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Lath mar Holi: When Hindu Women Hit Men With Sticks

Lath mar Holi, the Hindu stick festival

In India, lathmar women hit men over the head with sticks to commemorate Krishna visiting Nandagon.

Every year, just days before the celebration of the Hindu festival of Holi, men in the neighbouring towns of Barsana and Nandgaon, neath Mathura, march into to town to have women beat them with stick.

As brutal as it sounds, the festival is actually a fun time, and the beating is more ceremonial than serious.

Women hitting men with sticks during Lath mar Holi, the Hindu stick festival

Women hitting men with sticks during Lath mar Holi, the Hindu stick festival

The name Lath mar Holi literally translates into “That Holi in which [People] hit with sticks.

As the legends has it, the Hindu lord Krishna once visited the village of his beloved Radha on the day. There, Krishna teased Radha and her friends, but they did not take it lightly.

It is said that the offended women of Barsana chased him away with sticks; hence the tradition.

Man protecting his head with a shield during the Hindu Lath mar Holi festival

Man protecting his head with a shield during the Hindu Lath mar Holi festival

Keeping up with the ancient narrative, men from Nandgaon visit the town of Barsana each year, carrying shields to protect their heads. The women there are ready, and greet them with sticks.

Although the men try to avoid being hit, not everyone is lucky. The ones who find them surrounded, shield themselves as they receive several blows to the head, then make them wear female clothing and dance in public.

All in all, the festival is for celebratory purposes and everyone ends up having a good time, with food, drinks, dance and song.

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