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The Anti-theft Lunch Bags

So many innovative concepts are all around us. Some of them are helpful; others are downright fun, others eco-conscious, but we have recently seen one concept which we felt was super funny, and really cute.

Apparently, some individuals are overprotective of their lunch, because lunch theft is really an important thing especially for little kids. So mothers want to ensure the health, and nutrition of their children, so the new concept recently conceptualized, helps prevent lunch theft.


By creating plastic lunch bags, decorated with artificial mold.

When you look at the sandwich in that bag, it looks tired, green, and all covered in mold, which makes lunch thieves think your lunch has been ruined by mold. However when you come to open the bag, the sandwich is perfectly fresh, and mold free.

This product is seriously cute; it is one that many mothers will use when sending lunch to school, and one which is relatively funny.

Now it is no longer easy for lunch thieves to indulge in the food of others. It is simply an easy manner of repulsion.

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