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Lebanon’s AUB Puts Up Nap Station for Students

american university of Beirut

Students at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon, can now hop into the bed on campus for a nap.

Do you remember how hard it is to sit in a classroom without falling asleep? Well the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, came up with an innovative way to keep students well-rested and alert.

It all started when a student suggested that the university opens a nap club for students through Twitter.

It wasn’t long before the university replied to the tweet asking “who’s in?”, testing the waters for the proposed club.

Apparently, the idea was so popular among students and faculty that AUB acted and set up a bed for students in West Hall.

The bed was also announced through Twitter, with a picture of a bed on campus, captioned “Feeling sleepy? Have a nap.”

Effective or not, you can’t deny that you don’t with your school had a bed for you to nap in during the day.

And we all know what we should do now, right? Start petitions to have beds installed at work for nap time.

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