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Pakistan Woman Killed 15 by Mistake in Plot to Kill Husband

Aiysa Bibi from Pakistan tried to kill her husband by killed 15 people instead using rat poison

A woman from Muzaffargarh, Punjab region, Pakistan, accidentally killed 15 people while trying to kill her husband.

Asiya Bibi from Pakistan poisoned 26 of her in-laws, killed 15 people, by mistake when she had plotted to kill her husband, whom she married through arrangement.

In September, Bibi was forced to marry her cousin, even though she had been in love with another man. When she failed to escape her forced marriage, she decided to murder her husband in a desperate attempt for freedom.

Her plan was simple, spike some milk with rat poison, pour out a glass for her husband, he’ll drink it and die.

Shahid Lashari, her boyfriend, who appeared with her in court as an accomplice, provided her with the poison, according to police reports.

To her disappointment, her husband did not drink the milk, which ended up back in the fridge.

Instead, her mother in law decided to use the milk to make a milkshake-like drink for guests who were over for dinner.

When the 26 guests drank from the milk, they were all poisoned; 15 of them died.

With not lawyer to defend her case, Asiya Bibi was charged with murder of 15 people on Tuesday.

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