What to make

Healthy And Sweet Fruit Sushi Recipe

As the world is going through a sushi-craze, eyes have been focused on the raw fish version, while millions are missing out on the sweeter, fruitier, fruit sushi.

Here’s what you’ll need to do to enjoy a tray of fruit sushi at home:

1½ Cups short grain rice.
2 Cups water
3 Tablespoon sugar
¼ Tablespoon salt
1 Cup coconut milk
1½ Tablespoon vanilla
Assorted fruit and berries (pineapple, strawberries, mango, kiwi, blackberries, raspberries, etc.)

Pour the water into a pot and add the rice, sugar and salt. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat, or until all water is absorbed. When the water is gone, add the coconut milk and vanilla. The mixture should be moldable, like a rough dough. If not, cook for few more minutes.

Over a wax paper-covered bamboo rolling pad, spread a 1½ centimeter thick rice square, leaving a 1½ free wax paper on either side.

Cut the fruits you chose into long slices of choice into long pieces, and use a potato peeler to shave thin slices of mango or kiwi.

Lay your fruits over the rice and roll into a perfect square or circle. Cover with the kiwi or mango film, and slice into 6 even pieces.

Roll the remaining rice into balls and place thin slices of kiwi, strawberry or mango, and top off with half a blackberry.

For a tasty dip, blend a half a cup of raspberries with half a cup water.

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