What to know

Meet CrossFit

CrossFit is a relatively new fitness program created by Greg Glassman in 2000, and has caught international success with gyms all over the world.

It is a physical exercise philosophy as well as a competitive fitness sport, with hundreds of thousands of practitioners worldwide. At first look, CrossFit seems like a military boot camp filled with well dressed hulks. At a closer look you’ll realize that it is an extreme fitness sport which incorporates several disciplines, creating one ultimate workout.

The programs include elements from several forms of high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport, calisthenics, strongman, as well as other exercises. There are over 13,000 registered or affiliated gyms, and they stretch from USA to all ends of the world.

Qatar has always been ahead of other countries to bring over new fitness programs, with some of the world’s leading gyms, institutes and academies. You can find several gyms, or some with similar classes or sessions all over. After a small google search we were able to locate some gyms around Doha, like CrossFit-Oryx, CrossFit-Erada and CrossFit-Quwwa, all with superb facilities and internationally recognized coaches.

The average monthly fee for a CrossFit gym membership in Doha is priced around QR 1,200, with package deals for couples or annual memberships. CrossFit Oryx will even let you jump into a class if you buy one of their T-shirts.

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