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UberYACHT Takes on Dubai

Maybe one of the most intelligent entrepreneurial initiatives of our time, Uber never ceases to amaze the world with their innovative, yet simple, ideas that turn into big business.

The company started off as an idea “on a snowy Paris evening in 2008”, when founders Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp could not find a cab, and had the idea of the button-tap-cab. The simplest wish they pursued until Uber became the world’s largest cab company.

The app started as a request for high-end chauffeuring in select metropolitan areas, but has turned into a worldwide ride finder. Today you can get an Uber ride at the click of a button almost anywhere in the world.

Since then, Uber has tried many new innovations like the UberCHOPPER for helicopter rides in California, UberBOAT for water rides in Florida, and UberEATS to get your sandwich a ride to wherever you are, and now UberYACHT made it to Dubai.

The UberYACHT service last April was a 4 hour cruise along the bay of Dubai which users could book using the app. Costing around $83, the fair included Uber transportation to Pier 7 and back, as well as open drinks and complimentary food.

Was it a ride? Was it a party? Or was it the launch of the future of yacht rentals? No one knows for sure. All that is for sure is that Uber is on a ride, they are going in the right direction, and they are taking us all with them.

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