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A Few Tips On Organizing A Shared Office Space

Office and shared spaces tend to be the most obnoxious for us, they are constantly over cluttered with everyone’s things, and items get misplaced, mistreated sometimes, and even lost. So today we sought to find out the manner at which one can make an office space or a shared space more efficient, in terms of space, and it terms of a person’s productivity.

  • De-clutter and throw away all unnecessary items, papers which you do not need are to be shredded, things for which you have a scanned copy of, and for which you do not need papers, need to be shredded or thrown a way, for minimal paper.
  • Re-distribute the things that you need, this can be done by placing everything one needs in close proximity to their desk, should you use a notebook or a certain file on a daily basis, make sure it is placed on your desk, in a specific space or compartment.
  • Label your files, in order to better know what goes where, labels are important for archiving, an organized space should be well defined, labels are the tool to help.
  • Teams should invest in work boxes; these boxes compile magazines, shared files, or shared stationary, anything that is shared by the team is to be placed in shared and labeled work boxes.
  • Use tin cans, jars, or boxes for pens, pencils, and stationary items one uses, and place them in close proximity to your desk.
  • A bulletin board goes a long way, for shared spaces it is better to opt for a framed bulletin board where one attaches their reminders, sticky notes, and such. This makes much better use than a blackboard, or a white board.

We hope that these tips bring some insight on the functionality, and the cleanliness of a space. Being in a proper environment effects individual’s productivity rate, it balanced the mood at the workplace, and it makes employees more comfortable, and hence more creative.

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